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Supermassive Black Hole Facing Earth: The Final Frontier

Supermassive Black Hole Facing Earth

Supermassive Black Hole Facing Earth

Our most recent discovery puts scientists and space fans alike in awe and expectation because the universe is so dynamic and unexpected. The implications of the discovery that a supermassive black hole is currently aligned with Earth are mind-boggling.

The sheer magnitude and gravitational pull of this black hole could drastically alter the future of our world. What will happen when Earth collides with the supermassive black hole is the question on everyone’s mind as we approach a first-of-its-kind encounter with the unknown.

Supermassive Black Hole Facing Earth

This is an issue on a cosmic scale. On Tuesday, 28 March (2023), researchers announced the reclassification of the galaxy PBC J2333.9-2343 following the discovery of a supermassive black hole at its center directed directly toward our solar system, according to the reports by Newyorkpost.

“We started to study this galaxy as it showed peculiar properties. We hypothesized that the relativistic jet of its supermassive black hole had changed its direction, and to confirm that idea, we had to carry out a lot of observations,” said Dr. Lorena Hernández-García.

“The fact that we see the nucleus is not feeding the lobes anymore means that they are ancient. They are the relics of past activity, whereas the structures closer to the nucleus represent younger and active jets.”

The group claims astronomers initially labeled the galaxy some 657 million light-years distant as a radio galaxy before realizing that the space phenomenon had rotated 90 degrees to point its center towards Earth. Galaxy changes classification as jet changes direction. Royal Astronomical Society researchers have recently revealed the galaxy’s size to be almost 4 million light-years.

This makes it roughly 40 times the size of our own Milky Way. Although the cause of the abrupt course correction is still a mystery to scientists, a popular theory holds that the collision of PBC J2333.9-2343 with another galaxy is to blame.

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In search of clarification, The Post contacted the Royal Astronomical Society. How the black hole’s orientation will impact our galaxy is likewise unknown. The Earth confronts dangers beyond only one black hole. According to new data, three potentially dangerous near-Earth asteroids (NEA) have just been found in the inner solar system.

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