Why Did So Many Newspapers Cancelled Scott Adams Dilbert?

Scott Raymond Adams is a well-known American novelist and cartoonist. He was born on June 8, 1957, in the United States. He is the author of various books of nonfiction, including works of satire, commentary, and business, and he is also the creator of the Dilbert comic strip, which is syndicated. During the economic recession that afflicted the United States in the 1990s, Dilbert rose to prominence on a national level and eventually attracted viewers all over the world.


Scott Adams’ Dilbert Discontinued By Newspapers

After Scott Adams’ racist comments, hundreds of newspapers, including the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and the USA Today Network discontinued the syndicated comic Dilbert.

On Saturday, The Cleveland Plain Dealer was one of the first to stop publishing the workplace-themed comic after editor Chris Quinn wrote to readers: “Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert comic strip, went on a racist rant this week on his Coffee with Scott Adams online video show, and we will no longer feature his comic strip in The Plain Dealer. This is not a difficult decision.”

According to Quinn, “Adams said Black people are a hate group, citing a recent Rasmussen survey which, he said, shows nearly half of all Black people disagree with the phrase ‘It’s okay to be white. ‘I would say, based on how things are going, the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from Black people,’ he says in the video.”

Scott Adams' Dilbert Discontinued By Newspapers
Scott Adams’ Dilbert Discontinued By Newspapers

Many newspapers followed suit, declaring they would no longer feature Dilbert in their comics sections. “Adams’ racist views are incompatible with the AJC’s principles and undercut our objective to make Atlanta and the world a better place by serving our community via fact-based news, information, and intelligent opinion,” the Atlanta Journal-Constitution notified readers on Sunday.

The New York Times they were decided to stop publishing the worldwide print edition of the comic strip “Dilbert” after racist statements were made by creator Scott Adams, according to a Times spokesperson. The comic only came out in their international print edition. It didn’t come out in their U.S. print edition or online. You can also check the additional information we have covered on our website, such as When Macbeth Dies Crossword.

Scott Adams’ Distributor, Andrews McMeel Universal Terminated Ties With Him

According to Los Angeles Times, Andrews McMeel Universal, Adams’ distributor, severed connections with him on Sunday night, and by Monday, February 27, Dilbert was no longer available on GoComics.com. “We are proud to promote and share many different voices and perspectives. But we will never support any commentary rooted in discrimination or hate,” Andrews McMeel said.

On Monday, Adams tweeted that Dilbert had defended his “hyperbole” comments. He also said that he would keep putting Dilbert on the site where people pay to read it. You can see the official tweet below in which Elon Musk responds that the media is racist against white people.

The entire USA Today network, including over 200 newspapers, will stop publishing Dilbert. The Boston Globe, the San Antonio Express-News, and the MLive Media Group (located in Michigan) are among the newspapers that have dropped Dilbert.

Therese Bottomly wrote in a letter to readers on Saturday, “I decided after watching Adams’ nearly hourlong diatribe on his YouTube show ‘Real Coffee with Scott Adams,’ which included such exhortations as, ‘I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from Black people.’ Typically, I like to explain our decisions to readers fully, but much of what he said is too patently offensive. I won’t repeat his comments here.”

Bottomly continued, “Some readers no doubt will deride my decision as an example of overly ‘woke’ culture or as a knee-jerk ‘politically correct’ response. What about free speech, they might ask? Isn’t this censorship? No one is taking Adams’ free speech rights away. If those companies allow, he can share offensive comments on YouTube and Twitter.”

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Adams has experienced mass cancellations before. Over seventy-five newspapers stopped publishing Dilbert in 2022 after Adams, a strong supporter of former president Donald Trump, introduced the strip’s first-ever Black character and used him as a prop to mock “wokeness” and having the character identify as white and LGBTQ+ for employment. If you are curious to know some exciting news we have, check out When Will Egg Prices Drop.

Adams has handled this latest cancellation in stride, devoting much of his Sunday morning to reiterating his positions on social media. On Sunday, he asked his Twitter followers, “Has anyone else been canceled while literally, no one disagreed with them?”   

“My critics agree with my advice. They are justifiably angry that it is rational. I am too.” You can check the tweet by Brooklyn Dad Defiant in which he says he is not surprised that Adams is a racist.

In conclusion, we have covered the topic of Scott Adams Dilbert Music. The American author has been discontinued from several newspapers due to his inappropriate remarks. Please check out talkxbox.com for additional information.

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